Monday, August 22, 2016

Matane to Saint Anne des Monts: 21 August 2016

Marc- Departure at 08:00 to take advantage of the outgoing tide and to leave while there is still water in the river here (only 6.2 feet under the boat when we left).  We enjoyed an excellent Southwest breeze of 15 to 20 knots with some higher gusts.  We sailed along the coast under genoa alone doing 7 to 7.5 knots.  At about Les Mechins the wind diminished and we set all sail.  At Cap Chat (Cape Cat) the wind switched to Northeast at about 5-10 on the nose.  We quickly dropped all sail and started the engine.  We followed the coast rather closely in shore to avoid the incoming tide (it changed at Les Mechins).  Lucy III was the first to arrive today at the marina and we were welcomed to the dock that is part of the Exploramer complex. We toured the Exploramer Aquarium seeing shrimp to cod:

Apparently the Provincial Police were looking for a boat that had capsized and the wanted our info.  The Sûreté du Québec Officers in full gear appeared later to question us several times.  Very nice people.  It appears that someone following us from shore near Cap Chat had seen our boat heeling over under full sail with an American flag.  When the wind changed we dropped all sail suddenly and both Autum and I were on deck with bare poles.  The viewer had thought we had capsized and were in need of assistance.  All ended well.  The officers returned to explain the misunderstanding and to report that all were safe.

Autum caught dinner, Mackeral, and Gregoire cooked it up for a wonderful dinner.


 Cap Chat 

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