August 14, 2009: Clayton, NY. Lucy III has remained at the Islander Marina in Clayton for the
past two weeks while we returned to Boston for work and camps. Our return on Friday was without mishap. The traffic was minimal (only a six hour drive) and the weather was outstanding. We arrived in Clayton and found the boat riding comfortably on the mooring. We enjoyed dinner and dessert in town before taking the dinghy out to the boat only to find that various bugs had found a new home for the evening. After managing to get inside without most of our uninvited flying guests, we started the electric fans to cool us down. The girls did some reading as is their usual practice. Sue and I tried to make plans for the weekend.
August 15, 2009: Islander Marina, Clayton, NY. The morning began with an incredibly beautiful sunrise: goodness gracious great ball of fire. We decided to proceed to breakfast to the Koffee Kove early as we had arranged for a tour at St. Lawrence University at 9:45.
The food was as excellent as on our last visit here and we were soon off to visit yet another college. Our route took us along many country roads past distressed farms and with farmers not normally seen in Massachusetts. The Amish reside here and travel by horse carriage as they do in Pennsylvania (they are apparently moving here since farms are rather inexpensive in this region). We stopped and purchased a beautiful “Lazy-Susan” style basket for our dining room table from a friendly gentleman. Our tour of St. Lawrence University was great. Both Sara and Stephanie were impressed. The campus was very nice with an excellent library and cafeteria in the new student center. The Sports complex was also extensive for such a small school ( 2100 students). Sue and I wondered how they could afford facilities such as these. The response from our guide was generous alumni. Our return took us to Ogdensburg, NY and the shore road back to Clayton. Next on the agenda was a visit to the summer home of our friends Shep and Emily Holt on Grindstone Island via the Lucy III. We had no difficulty crossing the St. Lawrence River and finding their beautiful yellow bungalow style cottage and boathouse. They are set on a peninsula with the boathouse on the protected shore with crystal clear waters. We pulled right in only to find two dogs in the cottage. We decided to wait awhile and enjoy the scenery. The Holts returned within fifteen minutes and they welcomed us to truly special part of the world. Sara and Stephanie enjoyed swimming as the water was warm here and weed free. Our hosts were very welcoming. Much of the conversations concerned our shared pursuits of ice skating and boats. We promised to return next Summer, with our masts raised, to take their family sailing. Our return to Clayton was in time for dinner aboard Lucy III and ice cream ashore. 

August 15, 2009: Islander Marina, Clayton, NY. The morning began with an incredibly beautiful sunrise: goodness gracious great ball of fire. We decided to proceed to breakfast to the Koffee Kove early as we had arranged for a tour at St. Lawrence University at 9:45.

August 16, 2009: Islander Marina, Clayton, NY. We arose early once again and proceeded to the pier to off load much of our summer gear including 4 bikes and lots of clothes. Arrangements were made to store the dinghy at the Islander Marina and the Lucy III next door at the French Bay Marina. Haul out is planned for next Monday. Stephanie chose “Bella's” as our breakfast restaurant. This bakery and restaurant was great with seating right along the river. It is not unusual to see antique wooden boats and (soon thereafter) giant ships on this river.