August 27, 2011 Point Bay Marina Mooring, Charlotte, Vermont
Marc- This is Sara's move into McGill University weekend. Todd Smith called from the marina to say that the weather will be wild from Hurricane Irene and we should prepare the boat. He added another line to the painter.
I drove down from Montreal in beautiful weather that must be the calm before the storm. I lashed down everything and deflated the zodiac. The dingy was brought up into the trees and locked with a cable to the largest tree I could find.
August 28, 2011 Point Bay Marina Charlotte, Vermont
Marc- The winds and the rain came up to 60 knots and lots of rain. Since the worst of it was out of the North Lucy II was protected. The closest that we came was taking the ferry from Plattsburg to Grand Isle. There were some six foot waves out there and the car deck on the ferry was getting splashed at times. No problem on the roads back to Boston.
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