Our friends the Helfrichs (Greg, Eileen, Gregory, Stephen and Amanda) were present at the Marina and helped with the trip to the hardware store and auto parts store. Sue went out with the girls in the dinghy for a spin. Steffie bounced off of a mooring and made a quick turn throwing Amanda off balance and she did a back flip into the warm lake. Sue jumped in after her. Amanda was able to jump back in the boat while Sue held on while the dinghy made it's return to

July 4, 2009: Light south winds and partial sunshine. We hope to rejoin the RSYC cruise today at Malletts Bay. We departed at 9 a.m. with the Helfrichs ( the Baum's were not feeling well an opted not to join us for the sail). this was mostly a motorsail up the Lake until off of Port Kent when the Northwest winds began to blow 15 to 20 knots with higher gusts. We sailed just south of South Hero through the marble causeway over to Malletts Bay. I sailed over to several Tartan 34C's at the Malletts Bay Boat Club and then called John Foley to inquire where the RSYC Fleet was.

July 5, 2009: Sunshine this morning but with a high wind forecast for latter in the day. We made 
Sloop Cove at Valcour Island and finally connected with the RSYC cruise week fleet. There were favorable winds in the eastern part of the lake just south of South Hero before getting hit with 15 to 20 knots of wind coming from the northwest once the Lucy III came out from the protection of Providence Island. It would be tough going trying to get to the Gut in this wind and wave pattern. A simple course change, and we had an easy sail over to Sloop Cove under a reefed genoa alone. We anchored and then looked for the fleet. Adam called saying that he had just seen us enter the cove and he and his daughter Meredith were just around the bend. They rafted up with us for awhile before anchoring off to avoid 
the incessant roll in the harbor. The powerboats were rafted well up into the shallow parts of the cove away from much of the wave action (the water was calm in the evening). Sara, Stephanie and Meredith had a great time exploring the island, swimming and playing games. The fleet enjoyed a round dinghy raft at 5 p.m. for hors d'oeuves. A good time a good treats were enjoyed by all. We met up with Adam and Meredith later for a cookout on the Lucy III. 
Sara has taken great photos of all of this and the weather was finally spectacular.

Sara has taken great photos of all of this and the weather was finally spectacular.
Marc, Sue, Sara and Stephanie.
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