Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Sailing South aboard Lucy III: 2020-21 (Part III - returning North)

Utsch”s Marina, Cape May, New Jersey:  May 31, 2021. Memorial Day.

Nice conditions as we left Delaware City.

The rescue boat was ready.

Marc-  They said it could not be done easily but we did it crossing the Delaware River and Bay in record time despite some wind and waves.  We left Delaware City at 06:30 this morning to catch some of the outgoing tidal current in the Delaware River.  It worked giving us two extra knots of speed for the first three hours.  Winds were 10 to 15 knots out of the North west and due to increase in the afternoon in the lower Bay.  Our plan was to get to the Cape May Canal entrance before the predicted increase in wind.  The Delaware City Marina Harbor Host advised all leaving port on upcoming conditions in Delaware Bay and we were prepared.

Lucy III had her Genoa fully extended for the trip and we kept the motor on to maximize stood over ground.  This was especially helpful when the tide turned and we had 1 to 1.5 knot opposing currents.  Seas were 5 to 6 feet at the mouth of the Bay.  The Cape May and Lewes ferries crossed in from of us prior to our arrival so we did not have to deal with the large ferry blocking the Cape May Canal entrance.  

After checking in and cleaning up Steph and I set off on foot for downtown Cape May and its beautiful beach.  The many old victorian style homes here are quite impressive.  Flags were still up for Memorial Day.  Most of the crowds had left town when we started our visit.  The shops remained open until 18:00.  We made dinner on the boat.  Time for a nap. 

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