Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Sailing South aboard Lucy III: 2020-21 (Part III - returning North)

 Catskill Marina (owned by Hop-O-Nose Marina), Catskill Creek, Catskill, New York:  June 9, 2021'50.0%22N+73%C2%B051'51.0%22W/@42.2138981,-73.8658974,642m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m14!1m7!3m6!1s0x89ddb7b1db0d63db:0xffd68949778267ab!2sCatskill+Creek!3b1!8m2!3d42.3628598!4d-74.0703909!3m5!1s0x0:0x0!7e2!8m2!3d42.2138953!4d-73.8641554

Esopus Meadows Lighthouse (at a bend in the Hudson River in front of the Mills Mansion).

Saugerties Lighthouse with Catskill Mountains backdrop.

Marc-  We dropped our lines this morning at 10:00 for a leisurely motoring trip up to Catskill before the afternoon thunderstorms set in.  The river is scenic here with handsome lighthouses and awesome views.  We encountered some barge traffic which Steph handled well.  I spent most of the trip preparing the boat for lowering our masts.  We are 99 % ready.  Apparently it was too hot to work and the marina has put us over to tomorrow morning at 09:00.  That works for us. 

Steph found us an ice cream shop on Main Street and it was very good in 90 degree high humidity weather.  We also spotted the traditional artistic cats on both sides of Main Street.  Very cool cats.

"meals on wheels"


After seeing all of the cats we went for a walk down to the other marina in Town to look for some of the boaters we had met along the way.  We found a young couple who were from Belgium who had sailed across the Atlantic to the Caribbean and then straight up to New York City.   They were on a 30 foot sailboat and were very interested in speaking with us.  I hope that we will see them again as we head up the Champlain Canal.  They will have their mast lowered tomorrow.  Note:  they speak English, French and Flemish perfectly.

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