Thursday, February 2, 2023

2 February 2023, Southern Camping Trip Day 28

 Okeechobee KOA Campground

Lake Okeechobee

Okeechobee, Florida

Fort Pierce Inlet anchorage.

Marc-  (76 degrees at 8 am) We did our usual morning walk looking for wildlife and interesting trees around the campground.  Initially we saw little but row upon row of campers until we reached the edge of the golf course.  Here we did find some new birds as well as some we knew.

Whistling duck and common pigeons.

Duck in flight.

Red-bellied woodpecker (note that this bird is not interested in the bird feeder food but would rather look for worms just below the tree bark).

The same woodpecker.

White egrets.

Once the temperature reached 80 degrees at 10:00 we went for a cool drive to the East Coast Beaches about 1.25 hours away.  There was a nice sea breeze  blowing from the East to keep the temperatures in the low 80's.  We started out at Ft. Pierce Inlet.  This is a man made inlet that is deep and wide enough for small ships.  It was dredged by the creator of Crayola Crayons who wanted to improve the fish population in the Indian River in front of his house.  He hired a steam shovel to dredge out a passage to the ocean about 1/2 mile in length.  The result of the new passage greatly improved the fishing and the quality of the water.  Much recreation and some commercial traffic passes through this inlet.  There is a shipyard nearby and several marinas.  The area around the Inlet is also excellent for anchoring out with a number of protected bays with excellent holding.  And it's free with a dinghy dock included and several parks.

Large Banyan tree at Ft. Pierce Inlet.

The same Banyan by the bay.  

The old railroad station is now a museum.

Sue enjoyed this plate as she drove us back to Okeechobee.

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