Sunday, March 5, 2023

5 March 2023, Southern Camping Trip Day 59

Jekyll Island Campground

Jekyll Island State Park

Jekyll Island, Georgia

University of Georgia 4-H Tidelands.

Marc-  Our travels today were in the truck and on foot.  We packed our lunch and headed off in the morning and enjoyed a very nice miniature golf course.  Our trek took us to the Southern part of the Island and its beaches.  There is an extensive exhibit off of St. Andrews Beach detailing one of the last slave ships, the sailing Yacht Wanderer, to arrive on American shores near here in 1858.  The importation of slaves from Africa had been outlawed by Congress in 1808.  The Wanderer hid 400 slaves aboard and delivered them to Jekyll Island where they were sent off elsewhere.  We also drove over to the University of Georgia Tidelands Education Center (unfortunately it was closed).  We will definitely return there next year.  Our afternoon trek on foot took us on the Northern beaches with the dead forest.

Pelicans in flight.

Ancient Cypress trees.

Foaming surf.

I have this urge to climb a tree.

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