Sunday, February 23, 2025


 CODA : Living the life in the Exuma Islands, Bahamas.

23 February 2025 

Sand Dollar Beach mooring field (#42), Elizabeth Harbour, Georgetown, Great Exuma Cay, Bahamas    

Sunday beach service at Chat 'N' Chill Beach

Marc-  It was a bright and sunny day, and after our usual big breakfast, and listening to the mooring VHF Boater's Net program, we were off to beach church.  The service was well attended and organized.  I have only one complaint, which is that many of the speakers did not use the microphone properly, so I did not hear much.  

We were off for a walk about the island and climb up Monument Hill.  We stopped at Honeymoon Beach to land the dinghy and headed off on the trails.  We came upon the Coconut Club Resort and John asked for some refreshment.  The photos tell it all.  

It certainly is nice here.  Newly constructed and well staffed with cold drinks ($8 each!), and that is just the beginning of what awaits visitors.


In the background you can see the Monument we never reached.  We just enjoyed ourselves in the shade, taking it all in.  

This boat is all decked out for the Regatta celebrations this week.

This three masted schooner impressed me, especially when I learned it was sailed by one family.

Our next stop was Chat 'N' Chill for the weekly Pig Roast.

After lunch John and I had some fun feeding the stingrays leftover conch.  
The rays come right up to you and suck the food off of your fingers (no teeth).

Momma ray with younger ray.  Very gentle creatures.

John had no fear.

Our plan for the day included heading over to the National Park to do some snorkeling.  Unfortunately a rain front delayed and then put a damper on any snorkeling.  We did get some swimming in.

This cold front is mostly just a rain line without much wind.

The frontal clouds appeared everywhere followed by rain showers.

We had a short period of sunshine between the showers for some swimming.


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