Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Sailing South aboard Lucy III: 2020-2021 (Day 13)

 Atlantic Highlands Municipal Harbor Anchorage, Atlantic Highlands, New Jersey:  September 16, 2020

Marc-  Today was an exercise in planning that went well.  I went over all of the weather forecast, swell reports and my favorite weather app.: PredictWind.  They all agreed that that the afternoon would be windy from the South and so we avoided this by leaving at 08:10 and aborted the trip out on the Atlantic Coast of New Jersey due to high swells warnings related to a passing hurricane. We opted the safer option of going to Atlantic Highlands (Inside of Sandy Hook).  We arrived at 11;30 and anchored inside the breakwater.  This town is very welcoming and friendly for boaters.  We took the dinghy into the dinghy pier (#7) and then headed for the main business street, 1st Avenue that begins at the Marina.  We found a vibrant downtown with the essential ice cream parlor and supermarket within walking distance.

Our friend Michael Gilmartin joined us with his tugboat Fidler's Green at about 16:00 and reported a rather rough ride once outside of the Narrows. Sue made a fantastic dinner for us aboard Lucy III.

Leaving New York Harbor.

Verrazano Narrows Bridge.

Atlantic Highlands, NJ.

Smoke from the Western wildfires has reached the East Coast.

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