Saturday, September 19, 2020

Sailing South aboard Lucy III: 2020-2021 (Day 16)

 Hoffman's Marina, Manasquan, New Jersey: September 19, 2020

Marc-  Another day of fun and exploration on the Jersey Shore.  The wind was gusting out of the North at 30 knots when we went for our beach walk after breakfast at 08:30.  We left just as our finger pier was getting flooded by the incoming tide.  We proceeded out to Manasquan Beach and had a nice walk on the beach stopping at the Inlet.  It was very windy out there with 8 foot waves and crashing surf clearly surmounting the North Jetty protecting the Inlet.  There were fishing boats on the river, but none beyond the Inlet. We explored a nature park beside the Inlet with several hiking trails.  Our return to the Marina was not so simple.  As we approached the Glimmer Glass Bridge we noticed that its approach street was under 6 inches of water and rising.  We tried the next bridge at Main Street but its approach was also under water but with a walking path that was mostly dry.  After successfully crossing this bridge Michael Gilmartin came over with his Honda Pilot to drive us back.  We enjoyed coffee and a Pork Roll (ham, potatoes, and eggs all rolled up in freshly baked bread) at the "Sugar Bakery" on the way back to our boats.  The docks were still under water when we returned to the boats but the water was beginning to recede.  

Our next exploration was with the Gilmartins by car to Point Pleasant and its Amusement Park along about a mile long boardwalk.  This place was busy with many families enjoying the sunshine, rides, ice cream and arcades.  We found a seafood restaurant on the Pier named "Martell's Tiki Bar" and enjoyed excellent lobster roll and a mahi mahi sandwich, while being entertained by a live band playing Jimmy Buffet tunes and others.  In the evening we returned to the Helfrich's for dinner in their backyard.  A wonderful cookout with good  friends.

Some homes have stone lawns. 

Homes along the beach have sand lawns.

at the Pt. Pleasant Amusement Park on the Boardwalk.

Most of the boats at our marina resemble this sportfishing boat.  We are the only sailboat.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The inlet does not look nice at all! Mindy