Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Sailing South aboard Lucy III: 2020-2021 (Day 19)

Hoffman's Marina, Manasquan, New Jersey: September 22, 2020 

Marc-  This is our last day in Manasquan!  We never expected to be here for 5 days, but if we had to be "stuck" somewhere, this was a great place.  The sun, moon and the stars are aligned to give us favorable weather for the next few days.  In fact the raging surf has diminished and the prevailing winds are Northwest at 10 - 15 knots.  We have set our departure for 08:00.  Michael Gilmartin will decide on whether he takes the inside ICW route after we venture through the Inlet and report back.  The Helfrichs treated us to a departure dinner at the marina.  It was great to see Stephen and Amanda once again.  Brendan came down with Michael and brought needed groceries for both boats.  Thanks Brendan.

We spent most of the day on various walks around town and positioning the boat in a part of the marina that had enough depth for us to leave at low tide tomorrow morning.  

Special thanks to Mindy Donnelly for being our technical advisor and weather router.

You cannot beat the front lawns.

Both Fidler's Green and Lucy III pre-positioned for early departure.

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