Monday, September 21, 2020

Sailing South aboard Lucy III: 2020-2021 (Day 18)

Hoffman's Marina, Manasquan, New Jersey: September 21, 2020

Marc-  We are still here and our departure date keeps getting pushed back.  We thought we'd be able to get out tomorrow, now we're hoping for Wednesday.  The gale force Northeast winds have finally subsided.  Unfortunately the 8 to 12 foot seas created by days of strong winds continue making any exit tomorrow problematic.  Sage advice is to wait another day for the seas to drop to 5-8 feet before existing this Inlet.  We are very safe here and treated well.  Our friends and travel buddy boaters, Michael and Doreen Gilmartin went home today and will return on our departure date.  Their boat is shallow draft and would allow them to take the New Jersey Intracoastal waterway route to Atlantic City. We need the Atlantic route.

Our walks today were dry because we have learned to adjust our route to the tides here.  These are very beautiful neighborhoods but their streets are under water twice a day.  Sue and I still had to take off our shoes and roll up our pants to get to our boat on the flooded docks. I did a boat project replacing a solenoid for the electric winch that operates the centerboard.  I also did a little polishing on my friend's aft bronze porthole.  

Coast Guard Radio tower (highest structure on this part of the NJ Coast) and the restored Lifesaving Station.

Manasquan Beach lifeguard

Nicely polished Tugboat porthole.

Late entry: Michael and Doreen's dinner last night - crab cake on mac and cheese!


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