Thursday, May 13, 2021

Sailing South aboard Lucy III: 2020-21 (Part III - returning North)

Salt Ponds Marina, Hampton, Virginia:  May 12, 2021'15.4%22N+76%C2%B017'14.7%22W/@37.054285,-76.2896027

Marc-  We are taking a one week break to return home via rental car.  The marina here is very reasonable with a charge of only $210 for the week including 30 amp. electric.  Sue cooked up a terrific breakfast using most of what was left in the fridge.  The weather forecast seems to be nasty this week with mostly Northerly winds and rather cool temperatures so we are not missing much.  I left the two air conditioning units on as well as one heater.  This combination worked really well when we left Lucy III in St. Augustine for two months.  Our return date is May 19th so there won’t be a blog until then.  Perhaps the gasoline shortage will be over by then - the one that has hit Virginia through Florida when a pipeline was shut down by a Russian internet hack.  Apparently the oil refineries are in New Jersey and they pump gasoline down the East Coast to Florida. 

I can also use the time to research a fix to several boat issues: (1) The autopilot has not worked; (2) The bimini needs to be reset on different footings; (3) The mizzen rig needs to be tightened; and (4) The starting ignition issue persists now not only acting up when the engine is hot but slow to start with a cold engine. 

Home again in Massachusetts and we arrived just when all the flowers are in bloom.  Timing is everything.

Our home in Watertown

Sue found a friend in Pompton Plains, NJ on the way home.

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