Wednesday, February 5, 2025


 CODA : exploring the Exuma Islands, Bahamas.

5 February 2025 

Anchorage behind Highborne's Cay, Bahamas   

We tried Bahamian conch chowder for our first time in Bimini.  It was delicious.

Marc-  We left Atlantis at 08:00 and headed for the fuel dock nearby.  The place was deserted.  We tied up and called the marina who informed us that we only needed to wait 15 minutes.  Several other boats arrived for fuel.  Only the Megayacht didn't wait around.  Although I am sure that we bought the least amount of fuel (20 gallons) of those waiting we were treated very well by the marina staff.  The fuel dock was right across from Potters Cay (a huge commercial pier set out in the middle of Nassau harbor.  It contains the produce exchange as well as a major docking facility for Bahamian island freighters.

We left Nassau Harbor and headed East and then south to the Exuma Island chain.  First we needed to cross the Yellow Banks, an area of shallow corals spread out in a miles wide band.  My friend Charlie Langworthy gave me the best advice:  1- Arrive when the sun is high in the sky; 2- Keep a lookout perched as far above deck as comfortable (I was comfortable sitting on the pilothouse roof); and  most important look out for what appears to be dark ink blotches in the waters that you are approaching.   This plan worked like a charm.  I sat on the pilothouse roof next to an open hatch over where Sue was steering Coda.  Each time that I saw a "dark ink blotch" I asked Sue to take change course.  This went on for about 20 minutes.  

We knew we had arrived in the Exumas and at Highborne Cay by the clearest and bluest water we've ever seen along with white sand beaches.  We anchored in front of the Batelco Cellular transmission tower among a dozen or so boats.  I had initially planned to go into the inner harbor for fuel but changed plans when a standing wave and very light colored water appeared before us in the pass between two coral reefs.  We opted to get some diesel fuel with the dinghy and a portable tank.  We found the harbor quite full of mega yachts (they had arrived by a different passage then the one I attempted).  We did a little exploring about.  Very nice resort island.

Good bye Atlantis.  

Island freighters at Potter's Cay.

Big residential properties on Paradise Island.

Are you sure we are not back in Fort Lauderdale?

Arrival in the Exumas.

Fellow boaters.

A marina inhabitant at Highborne Cay.

Another marina inhabitant.

One of the large boats and its dinghy.

Not a good place to swim (just off of the place that fishermen clean their fish.

The fancy Xuma Restaurant.

We followed this road across the Island.

The ocean side of Highbore Cay and an interesting weather station.

Cool signs left by passing boaters.


Charlie said...

Love your pics! Keep 'em coming!

Craig Lewis said...

Just caught up on your trip...the best part is ahead Sue! Island hopping is fun! The waves wrapping around them not so much. You can put a stern anchor out to put your bow into the waves. Worked great for us.

Susan said...

I hope you enjoyed the adventure and feeling of accomishment of crossing the Yellow banks. Picking through coral heads the first time was nerve wracking for me.