Friday, February 7, 2025


 CODA : exploring the Exuma Islands, Bahamas.

7 February 2025 

Black Point harbor anchorage, Black Point Settlement, Great Guana Cay, Bahamas  

The anchored boats are careful to stay out of the freighter freeway to the Government Pier.
(Photo taken from Black Point Yacht Club.)

Marc-  We did a morning trip of 25 miles arriving at 12:15 anchored right in front of the beach in 8.9 feet of very clear water.  It is very hard to determine depth in water this clear (without a depth finder).
Sue contacted our friend Kathleen Patton who came to the dock to give us a grand tour of the place.

White sand beach named "Plain Beach" on the south end of Little Bay.

While the roads were a bit bumpy it was fun to get driven around in a cool golf cart.  We even saw a bobcat when driving near the dump (brings back memories of Vermont when small towns had dumps).
We passed many homes in various stages of construction.  Apparently only Bahamians can own real estate here.  Others simply lease the land.  Most homes are made of reinforced concrete block.  Some of the roads are paved but most are not.  The highpoint was going to the Plain Beach.  This beach is breathtaking and has a castle set on a hill nearby.


The blue cottage on the right of the yellow one is Kathleen's.  It straddles the Isthmus with both bay and ocean views.

Cottage Bay view.

We enjoyed lunch at the Black Point Yacht Club.  Locally caught fresh seafood.

View from the impeccable laundromat.

What no ice cream?  Kathleen did say there was a good supply of ice cream at Adderley's Friendly Market.  All we had to do was follow the village children headed over for ice cream on their bikes.  

Sue:  I don't think the photo of the lunch spot is where we had lunch.  We need to double check that.  Anyway, we had conch fritters as an appetizer, Kathleen had a conch burger, and we had shrimp tacos.  Very good food.  

It's quiet in the harbor and in town because a lot of people have left for nearby Farmer's Cay, where there is an annual festival called "The First Friday Festival."  It is famous for its sailboat races (the Bahamian class C sailboat), the winner of which one year was Will Patten, et al!


Charlie said...

Look for the boat card of White Seal on the laundromat bulletin board!

Craig Lewis said...

We met the folks that own the castle back in 2015. The whole thing is very self sufficient. It is a real castle!