Saturday, February 8, 2025


CODA : exploring the Exuma Islands, Bahamas.

8 February 2025 

Black Point harbor anchorage, Black Point Settlement, Great Guana Cay, Bahamas  

Kathleen's cave exit (Atlantic Ocean side of Great Guana Cay).

Marc-  We started the day off with a fantastic ocean beach tour by our friend Kathleen.  Great exercise.  
She led us out from her cottage and down a small trail to a beach with numerous coral headlands.  Sue and Kathleen spent time looking for shells and coral (they found plenty of both).  Unfortunately there is plastic and other kinds of trash on the beach.  I searched the tidal pools for living creatures.  I found mollusks, small fish and birds.

The first beach headland (Kathleen's cave entrance is to the left of center).

Kathleen and Sue.

A brain coral the size of a basketball.

The last headland.

We walked back across the bay at low tide to our dinghy.  Kathleen's cottage looks out at this AND at the ocean.

After lunch we headed over to Staniel Cay (5 miles away) to refill our diesel and water tanks.  It is an impressive resort town with Thunderbolt Grotto of James Bond fame in its harbor.

We stopped over at a Cay called Big Major's Spot to see the swimming pigs.  Farm raised pigs live in structures just off of the beach and often swim out to be fed by visiting boaters.

Two tides a day keep everything clean here.

A rather fast swimmer.

Visitors feeding the pigs.

German boat here to see the swimming pigs.

Boats returning from the inter-island regatta at Little Farmer's Cay.
We were enjoying dinner at Lorraine's Restaurant while our laundry was being done at Ida's Laundromat next door.

Sue:  We had a nice time with Kathleen.  It was great to see Black Point from her point of view.  She has  been coming here for 15 years.

The restaurant photo posted yesterday is Lorraine's, where we had dinner tonight.

We'll have to return some day to Staniel Cay, as it seems like a fun place to explore.  Marc got a brochure when he paid for the diesel, and it's more like a photo album than just a brochure. The first and last pages are vellum.  Marc said the yacht club was super ritzy (had to go in to pay and I stayed in the boat).  There were a lot of boats in the harbor, including one from Hyannis, MA and one from Germany.  We didn't take the time to look at other boats; we got the diesel and water, saw the pigs (definitely worth the short trip; they were fun), and returned to Black Point.  We are leaving tomorrow because of weather.  There are 2 more good weather days, so we will go to Little Farmer's Cay, or Lee Stocking Island,  tomorrow and then Georgetown, a big place we can be stuck in for a few days.

Traditional Bahamian Class C boats.

Coda out there beyond the mooring balls.


Will Patten said...

When we were in Staniel Cay on Wings in 2010 we saw a Vermont boat and went over to say hi. It was Mary Castner and Dick von Roth on Isis. It happened to be my birthday, 2/16. Mary said, "We're just going out to dinner to celebrate my birthday." Hah! Mark, there's another one of us out there!

Craig Lewis said...

You need to snorkel the Thunderball Grotto on Staniel! Very cool...where Thunderball movie was filmed....Bond...James Bond!