Wednesday, March 5, 2025


CODA : Exploring Harbor Island, Bahamas.

5 March 2025 

Spanish Wells Yacht Haven,  Spanish Wells,  Eleuthera, Bahamas   

The last line on the sign says it all:  Home of Friendly People.

Marc-  Today we went on a different kind of adventure.  We decided to visit a nearby resort island by alternate means (meaning not going there in our boat).  The boat route requires going through an area of  unmarked reefs and treacherous ocean passages when windy called "the devil's backbone."  Our alternative was to walk over to the Spanish Wells ferry landing and ask the ferry operator to help us get to Harbor Island.  He arranged for us to take his ferry over to Eleuthera Island, then take a taxi across Eleuthera Island to yet another ferry.  The first ferry, a 30 foot enclosed work boat with two long benches, simply backs up to a concrete wall and keeps the engine in reverse (no bother attaching any lines). Passengers are assisted on board by crew members.  Late arrivals inevitably require several false starts.  You make your taxi connection and get to the next ferry pier. You simply find your way to the next departing ferry.  Unlike the first slow diesel ferry this second ferry is a high speed model with multiple outboards.  This captain runs full speed ahead to get the fully loaded boat up on plane to zip you across the harbor in 10 minutes.  Great fun since everyone is friendly and having a good time.  We even ran into a school band going across for an inter island competition.  

Our first taxi ride included a detour to the "Glass Window".  The original natural stone arch bridge covered a dramatic passage from the ocean side to the Exuma sound side of Eleuthera Island.  It was destroyed in a hurricane and was replaced several times by a man-made bridge.

Glass Window.

Harbor Island is well developed with many shops and restaurants.  There are also many cottages and hotels as well as large private waterfront homes.

This cottage, named "Fort Point" brought back memories for Sue whose grandparents once owned a cottage at Fort Point in North Weymouth, MA. 

This is the view in front of the "Fort Point" Cottage.

Another cottage.

A cool sign next to a Preschool.

More school signs.

Bahamians love color.  Methodist Church.

Anglican Church.

Harbor Island has free roaming chickens.  This park statue seems to indicate that Bahamians like their chickens.

We had read about the pink sand beaches on Harbor Island and here we descended on one.

The beaches are slightly pink from crushed seashells.  We enjoyed walking on the firm sand with the waves and occasional shore birds.

Back on the bay side of the Island we spotted an interesting old tugboat pulling what appeared to be a barge full of scrap metal.

At one point we came upon a stately home with a stone wall.  This was imbedded in the wall.

While we had an enjoyable lunch of grouper, beans, rice & veggies at "Queen Conch," my favorite thing was finding a really good ice cream parlor. 

Sue:  We got in a 5 mile walk roaming around Harbour Island and a little on Spanish Wells.  It was a nice day.  Something different.  Our reward for walking in the heat was a great shower back at the marina.  This made 2 great showers on this trip.  Cape Eleuthera and Spanish Wells, both high end marinas.  Sometimes it's the little things that make a big difference.


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