Friday, March 7, 2025


CODA : Leaving Spanish Wells, Bahamas.

7 March 2025 

Royal Island Harbor,  Royal Island,  Eleuthera, Bahamas    

Sometimes it's fun to just keep moving.

Marc-  The time has come for us to leave since a weather window has arrived starting tomorrow morning to get to the Abacos by way of a 50 mile ocean passage.  We have moved the boat over to Royal Island to stage for an early departure.  Royal has a nearly land-locked harbor and is a great jumping off point for the Abacos.  Winds will be out of the southwest at 10-12 knots.  Maybe we will fly the spinnaker.

Now our followers will know our name.

The channel out of Spanish Wells: look out for the rocks just below that pretty colored water.

Marina orchids.

Royal Island reflected sunset colors.

Sue:  We really like Spanish Wells.  It reminds us of Cape Cod but with much better beach access.  Walking and biking are great ways to see the town.  The homes are solidly built (cement with rebar) and painted with bright pastels. There's no trash, and it's an industrious place.  The people have unique accents:  British-y with but with their own touch.  It's funny, we have seen maybe a handful of shorebirds and songbirds in all of the Bahamas.  More songbirds here, but not a lot.  There are no pelicans or seagulls.  

Tomorrow we head to the Abacos, and then back to the US!

1 comment:

Lou said...

Nice job on adding Coda's name to the dinghy!! That'll be super helpful for chatting with people on the radio!