Monday, October 19, 2020

Sailing South aboard Lucy III: 2020-2021 (Day 46)

Harborwalk Marina, Georgetown, South Carolina:  October 19, 2020

Marc-  Today was terrific for getting 50 miles out of the way in a beautiful part of the waterway.  We left at 07:30.  That seems to be part of our routine these days.  We went by Peggy & John's Barefoot Landing in North Myrtle Beach with the marina on one side of the ICW and stores and restaurants on the other.  There were more complexes and golf courses along the way, then massive private homes.  We enjoyed traveling at high tide around mid-day because we got through "the Rock Pile" in the ICW and a few other tight spots.  We were stopped dead by a tugboat pushing a barge with dredging equipment aboard who decided to stop mid channel in the ICW to set up for dredging a private side channel.  There was no radio communication.  Then he pulled over to where he would be working.  We passed through two swing bridges with minimal waiting.  

Then we got to the Waccamaw River.  I called our friends Craig and Donna Lewis for advice on this section of the ICW.  They are veteran ICW travelers who have tons of useful knowledge.  The trip down the Waccamaw was memorable for our favorite north winds and for a semi wilderness experience.  The river appears mostly unchanged from its original state.

Georgetown is a wonderful town alive with activity and many shops and restaurants.  We went to the ice cream parlor, then walked up to the Piggly Wiggly for a few things, and saw beautiful old homes along the way.  Dinner was chicken, sauteed peppers and rice on Fiddler's Green.

The Rice Museum here in Georgetown.  In the late 17th century rice seed from Madagascar was brought to South Carolina and began the state's 200 year history as the leading rice producer in the USA.  

The beginning of the ICW "Rock Pile".  It is a narrow area of the channel with rocks on both sides.


Look at the live oaks with Spanish moss in the background.

Nice boat houses eh.

Another swing bridge passed without incident.

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