Monday, October 26, 2020

Sailing South aboard Lucy III: 2020-2021 (Day 53)

(Day 2) Thunderbolt Marina, Savannah, Georgia:  October 26, 2020  

Marc-  We decided to stay another day to visit Savannah and do a few projects.  We like this marina with its good showers and laundry facilities and large beautiful sailing and power yachts to gawk at (many with professional crew).  We also got to spend the day with Ann who drove us around town, to the supermarket and to the auto parts and marine supply stores.  Most of the day was spent walking around downtown historic old Savannah and visiting a few shops, an ancient cemetery (which is a park in the city), and one beautiful church (St. John the Baptist Cathedral).  The riverfront area is some 40 feet below the main city and is right next to the Savannah River.  It was impressive.  We saw a giant 1000 foot long container ship and later a giant car carrier passing only feet away heading out to sea.  There is a lot of commercial ship traffic here.  It was a warm gray day for walking in the parks and along the old streets with shade provided by very large and old live oak trees with the ever present hanging spanish moss. 

Johnny Mercer who wrote the lyrics to Moon River with a few admirers

This unassuming entrance is the passage to a candy factory

We found an Ice Cream Parlor

Inside the Basilica of St. John the Baptist

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