Friday, October 2, 2020

Sailing South aboard Lucy III: 2020-2021 (Day 29)

 Reedville, Virginia: Cockrell Creek Anchorage.  October 2, 2020

Marc-  08:30 departure this morning from Calvert Marina without mishap.  We raised all sail as soon as we got out in Chesapeake Bay, however the wind was 10 - 15 knots from the Northeast with 3 to 5 foot waves, about twice what was forecasted.  There is a lot of fetch in the Chesapeake Bay from the Northeast quadrant once you reach Solomons Island.  That said we motored 7.5 to 8 knots for 2/3 of the trip.  The tide current turned on us and the boat speed dropped to 5.5 -  ouch.  There was some excitement with the Navy running test flights with a fighter plane over Fidler's Green and lots of noise.  Guess they chose Michael as a test target.  We saw multiple pelicans for the first time on this trip.  Clearly a sign that we're in the South.  Virginia is considered "the south."  Sue was at the helm when we ascended the Great Wicomico River and then Cockrell Creek to our anchorage spot just West of Reedville.  Michael was here a good 1 hour before us and had checked out the area finding the ice cream parlor and the seafood restaurant.  Highlights of the trip up the Creek were passing the giant Menhaden Fish Processing Plant and two ships off loading their catch. We also passed several crab processing plants.

Menhaden are forage fish, bony & oily, not eaten by humans.  In the 1920s there were 18 menhaden processing plants in Reedville.  It's used to make animal feed (i.e. Friskies) and omega-3 dietary supplements.

Once on shore the three of us found the ice cream parlor and then the maritime and fishing museum.  The museum was excellent and our docent gave a very informative tour of the various exhibits including the boat building shop, replica period fishing vessels, as well as the model room which depicts the entire area in miniature including a train system that was never completed (steamships won the competition for moving people and freight in the 19th century in this area).

The Navy fighter jet that buzzed Fidler's Green.

Look carefully to find the fish trap area

I would not want to go into this at night

A deadrise workboat built of douglas fir on white oak frames

A fish trap workboat

A skipjack

Crab boat and crag processing plant

One of many magnolia trees in Reedville.  Unfortunately we missed the white blossoms.  The large red things are seed pods.

This is Chitterchats, "Ice Cream and Gossip Parlor"


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