Sunday, October 6, 2024

CODA BAHAMAS BOUND 2024-2025 (12)

CODA : Atlantic Highlands at last

6-7 October 2024

Atlantic Highlands Harbor, Atlantic Highlands,  New Jersey

View from Atlantic Highlands (NYC and Sandy Hook in background).

Marc-  We waited for a high tide departure of the Edgewater Marina due to the prevalent silt (mud) that has practically filled the basin.  CODA, even with its five foot draft, had no problem backing out of her slip and turning out of the protected basin into the deep Hudson River (4 foot tides here).  New York harbor was rather choppy due to the wakes from all the ferries, water taxis and speeding boats.  It was particularly wild in front of the Statue of Liberty with two tugs pushing barges and the tour boats as well as yachts jockeying for position for the perfect photo.  The outer harbor below the Verrazano Narrows Bridge was also rather rough when the north 10 knot wind became a 15-20 knot southeast wind.  We were amongst the whitecaps until we reached the seawall at Atlantic Highlands.  Michael and I went ashore for lunch-dinner at the Yacht Club.  Our friends Greg and Eileen Helfrich came over for a visit.

The momentarily placid waters of the Hudson river when the wind changed.
Can you find the Empire State Building?

The Colgate clock in Jersey City, NJ (site of the former Colgate-Palmolive factory).

Passing the Statue of Liberty.

Sunset at Atlantic Highlands, N J.

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