Sunday, October 13, 2024

CODA BAHAMAS BOUND 2024-2025 (18)

  CODA : Last day in New Jersey

12 October 2024

Cohansey River, Greenwich,  New Jersey 

Chart of the mouth of the Cohansey River (the red triangle is where CODA and 4 other boats are anchored in a very tranquil setting).

Marc-  I left Cape May on my solo trip up Delaware Bay with some Canadian friends,  Olivier and Lori, I made on sailing vessel Equinox.  We both had mast height issues getting through the two Cape May canal issues but it was easy when the height boards indicated 55 feet 1 hour and 15 minutes after low tide.  Our next challege was getting out of the western end of the canal while a very large and fast Lewes-Cape May ferry was coming to its New Jersey landing.  We both made it out in the Bay without issue.  Waves were 4 feet in the Bay with 15 knot winds from the South.  Fortunately I unfurled the genoa 1/2 way and off we went at 7 knots. This lasted only 1/4 of the way up Delaware Bay and the wind changed to Southwest and diminished significantly.  The waves also dropped to under 1 foot.  We ended up motoring with a favorable current to the Cohansey River at 8 knots.  The entrance to the River is not properly charted making it a real adventure in ignoring most charts and following the directions.  I did find that the Sonar charts from Navionics were spot on (see photo above).  These are crowd-sourced charts.  

Equinox anchored nearby after the first bend in the river.

Sunset with the crew of Equinox coming over for dinner.

Sunrise on the Cohansey River.

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