Thursday, October 17, 2024

CODA BAHAMAS BOUND 2024-2025 (23)

CODA : Fairwinds and a following sea to Solomon's Island

16 October 2024

Back creek anchorage, Solomon's Island,  Maryland  

Thomas Point Lighthouse (just South of Annapolis).

Marc- Early start this morning at 06:45 to make the 07:00 Spa Creek bridge opening.  It was barely sunlight when the bridge opened (they close from 07:30 to 09:30 for rush hour traffic).  I raised the genoa as soon as we left the harbor and off we went into the rolling six foot waves of Chesapeake Bay.  At least the wind was out of the North.  It was downwind sailing at least but the helm required a lot of attention.  Everything calmed down as soon as we rounded Cove Point. The plan was to go way up Back Creek an anchor next to the Holiday Inn who has a dinghy dock for visitors.  Unfortunately Holiday Inn is no more and the new owner discontinued the dinghy dock and access for mariners.  Fortunately Calvert Marine Museum is nearby and does have a wonderful dinghy dock and warmly welcomes visitors from the sea ( you are expected to visit the museum since you enter in the middle of an exhibit but the fee is very reasonable in fact less than that charged by the old Holiday Inn).  We had a wonderful visit to the Museum.  We really enjoyed the guided tour of the old Cove Point Lighthouse that was moved here.  There was no problem with us going shopping nearby as well.  We found Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream!

Back Creek anchorage.

The star outdoor attractions hear (they have an aquarium inside with river otters that steal the show).
The boat on the left is a operational skipjack and the yawl on the right is a stunning wooden yawl named "Witchcraft".

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