Wednesday, October 9, 2024

CODA BAHAMAS BOUND 2024-2025 (15)

CODA : A short but intense travel day to Cape May 

9 October 2024

Utsch's Marina, Cape May,  New Jersey  

Marc-  Today was a repeat of yesterday in smaller scale but more intensity.  We left Atlantic City under blue sunny skies with a favorable west wind of 10 knots.  Sails up and off we go.  My weather app. warned of the winds turning to the southwest and going to 10-15 knots on this 5 hour trip.  The last three hours were solid 20 knot winds from the southwest (on the nose so to speak) with 4-5 foot waves and an occasional 6 foot wave tossed in.  Three sailboats left left Atlantic City at about the same time and we watched each other.  Everyone dropped their sails the last hour for a mad dash to the Cape May Inlet as the wind and waves increased.  We came in second and were late in getting into a spot anchoring by the Coast Guard Station.  We went up to the Marina where we stayed in 2020 and docked.  This may have been a blessing with the wind due to increase overnight affecting the anchorage more that in this marina.  Michael is leaving for a few days so I will await a good weather window for heading out. Nice place to be stuck.

Cape May has beautiful homes.

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